Year 4 - Object Lesson: Grenfell
                                                     project with Santong Li
In depth research through archival material, to create a thesis project. Our project analysed how buildings adapt and change over time – with a focus on Grenfell Tower - and how those changes impacted the Grenfell Tower disaster.  The studio encouraged exploration of technical requirements in design, such as building regulations.

Year 3 - Building Simulation Principles
                                                                                                   Project with Elsa Konkka
Another module which I undertook during my undergraduate degree focused on building simulation software. A project undertaken during this course increased my understanding of building simulation principles, including daylight analysis and energy usage. For the building analysis, the software I used was Sefaira.
Another assignment identified day light analysis, with a focus on research methodologies.
Year 1 - Architectural Design
Focusing on materiality, small designs for a boathouse (concrete), tea room (timber) and changing rooms (brick) were produced via hand drawings.

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